Monday, 3 December 2018

Little Penguin's Tale Audrey Wood

About the author (1993)

Audrey Wood is the author of many beloved books for children, including the bestselling classic The Napping House, its companion The Full Moon at the Napping House, Caldecott Honor Book King Bidgood's in the Bathtub, Heckedy Peg, Piggies, and Piggy Pie Po, all of which were illustrated by her husband, Don Wood. The Woods divide their time between California and Hawaii.

Grand Nanny Penguin had seven little penguins and she told a story about a little penguin who did not listen to Gran Nanny's tales. So as she was telling the tale, one little penguin snuck off by himself just like in Grand Nanny's tales. Now there are only six little penguins listening. The little penguin who went off had a great adventure. He was sliding on his tummy up and down the snowy mountains, dancing with The Gooney Birds, and then he followed them to a Walrus polar Club.

Inside the club, there was a big party. Little Penguin had so much fun, he cried "look at me. I'm the wildest of them all!" As he walked out of the club, the little penguin was extremely tired and he fell asleep near the edge of the ice. Next thing he knows he is in the mouth of a great whale. The little penguin was clever enough to jump out of the whale's mouth and run back home. He looked back at his tail and realized that the giant whale rip of his tail feathers.
"And that's the end of little Penguin's tale".

One thing neat that the author did was go back and forth between the little Penguin's adventure and the story that Grand Nanny Penguin told. It had a parallel plot. As Grand Nanny told her story, whatever happened in her story happened to little penguin.

This book was cute and could be great for kids who like to wander off, but don't realize they can get hurt or lost. Since it takes place in the artic, it also teaches kids what penguins do such as sliding down snow mountains on their bellies.
I love when authors throw the title, of the book, into the story... or do they finish writing the book and find the title within? Either way, you get that "Ah-ha" moment and it's exciting!

The Little Penguins Tale is about a Nanny penguin who tells a tale about how a young penguin ran away. The young penguin went and danced with gooney birds, and then went to lay down for a nap. He was then snatched up by a whale and was eaten, but then penguins didn't like the end of that story so Nanny penguin changed it and the little penguin escaped and returned safely with only a few tail feathers missing.

Personal Reaction:
I think this a good book to read to children to teach them that if they run away or do something alone they might end up in some trouble.

Classroom Extension Ideas:
1. Make a penguin by painting the bottom of your foot and putting it on a piece of paper, add wings and then eyes and a nose.
2. Draw a picture of the penguin dancing with the gooney birds, and other animals.